VANILLA essential oil


The homeland of vanilla is Mexico, Panama, and Antilles. The Aztecs highly valued vanilla as a spice. In ancient times healers used vanilla’s fragrance for treating mental illnesses and nervous breakdowns. Vanilla’s aroma is believed to induce the feeling of safety at the subconscious level and to relieve from anxiety and fears. This fragrance soothes, […]

4 in stock

SKU: Z0000614


The homeland of vanilla is Mexico, Panama, and Antilles. The Aztecs highly valued vanilla as a spice. In ancient times healers used vanilla’s fragrance for treating mental illnesses and nervous breakdowns. Vanilla’s aroma is believed to induce the feeling of safety at the subconscious level and to relieve from anxiety and fears. This fragrance soothes, helps to reduce anger and other negative emotions. If you are willing to talk to someone sincerely, want a person to open up to you and trust you, scenting the room with vanilla will help. It is believed that by using vanilla essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:

new romantic relations;
blooming youth;
wild passion;
break toxic relations.


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