OCOTILLO / Desert Flower Essence For Loving Support


HARMONIZING QUALITIESThe Ocotillo Flower is a great teacher, showing us how to be response-able rather than reactive, allowing us to feel our emotions rather than being victimized by them. Once we accept our feelings, we can grow beyond negative reactions, into a more life-affirming state of being, one that is calm and grounded, protected and […]

2 in stock

SKU: ll-essence-ocotillo-1oz


The Ocotillo Flower is a great teacher, showing us how to be response-able rather than reactive, allowing us to feel our emotions rather than being victimized by them. Once we accept our feelings, we can grow beyond negative reactions, into a more life-affirming state of being, one that is calm and grounded, protected and guided, and in touch with unconditional love.
If you have been telling yourself a story of victimization, resulting in harsh feelings or emotional outbursts, then this is a way to get to the root of those feelings, and to pull those roots out. This is a chance to tell a story of love and support and find acceptance within ourselves.
7 drops, 3x daily in 2-4 week cycles as needed
+ On the tongue
+ In the bath
+ On a pillow
**Wild Ocotillo Flowers (Fouquieria splendens) infused in spring water and artesian well cane spirits.


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