September Full Moon Ritual Circle


By Leah Marie Magik September 14th at 6:00PM Location: Verre Noir, 36 Frazier Ave  

7 in stock

SKU: 79007655-0


A ritual circle is a thoughtfully curated gathering, cultivating an intentional community around the shared intention of grounding ourselves into purposeful self power + alignment with the peak of the current Lunar Cycle. These intentionally sacred containers hold space for oneself to awaken the more subtle layers of the human experience through guided ritual practices that foster a deeper sense of connection + awareness of the energetic world that encompasses us. You are best served In this experience by showing up with an open heart + flexible mind + zero expectations, as to ensure that you are open to receive the potent Magik of this work.

What to Expect?

The Circle- 2 hours of total circle time with invocation of the elements, opening meditation, pen discussion of Astrological themes + how they impact our lives, ritual work around acknowledging your gifts + setting intentions, and a tea ceremony.


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